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Treasure trove.

Summing up all of my inspirations feels like a bit too much, and I can hardly remember everything. So, I'll stick to the things that truly stay with me and that I regularly revisit. In fact, this page is as much a reminder for myself as it is an invitation for you to be inspired by. These authors and creators keep on helping me deepening my craft by weaving new threads through it.

​I’d say, drop by now and then to check out new material and also... don’t try to eat everything all at once.

artists journey

"Truth is not the truth. Fiction is the truth. The artist's medium is not reality, but dreams. I don't mean 'dreams' in the sense of made up bullshit. I mean dreams as the x-ray of truth."

Steven Pressfield


"Dissolving the ego is an act of self-hatred. Because it is intrinsic to the self and essential for healthy human functioning. don't rid yourself of ego. Strengthen its healthy aspects. Ennoble it."

Jeff Brown

het nieuwe ademen

"Wat ons lichaam echt wil, wat het nodig heeft om goed te kunnen functioneren, is niet sneller of dieper ademhalen. Het gaat niet om meer lucht. Wat we nodig hebben, is meer kooldioxide."

James Nestor

hell yes or no

"Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in ten."

Derek Sivers

complext PTSS

"Het vermogen om wilskracht bij jezelf op te roepen lijkt samen te hangen met het vermogen om je boosheid op een gezonde manier te uiten."

Peter Walker

build the life you want

"Happy feelings are not happiness; they are evidence of happiness. The hapiness itself is the real phenomenon, and like dinner, it can be defined as a combination of 3 'macronutrients'"

Arthur C. Brooks

authentic relating

"When you make someone else the source of your experience - either the one you are having now or the one you want to have in the future - you are giving away your power tot that person."

Ryel Kestano


"I have a lot of proof that the world is conspiring to make me happy."

Matthew McConaughey


"Experts with two decades of experience did no better than newbies. One trait did prove predictive, though: media attention. Specifically, experts who made more media appearances tended to be worse predictors."

Chip & Dan Heath

soul of money

"It is not even that we necessarily experience a lack of something, but that scarcity as a chronic sense of inadequecy about life becomes the very place from which we think and act in the world."

Lynne Twist

warrior ethos

"When an action is unjust, the warrior must not take it."

Steven Pressfield

erotic mind

"When moral questions arise in the context of self-examination, you may be dismayed to discover that your early moral training was so fundamentally antierotic that it's of limited use to you now."

Jack Morin

derek sivers

"If I would have planned and said, “No, we’re going to the museum. Come on. It’s an important museum for you to know,” then he wouldn’t have had this unoptimized experience and stumbled into the cardboard box."

Derek Sivers

art of receiving and giving

"Consent as being an agreement that two or more people come up with together. You don’t give consent, you arrive at consent—together."

Betty Martin

courage to be disliked

"It’s that you are disliked by someone. It is proof that you are exercising your freedom and living in freedom, and a sign that you are living in accordance with your own principles.."

life of death

A short animation by Marsha Onderstijn.

The life of Death


"But panting through work is a lousy strategy. It feeds the anxiety of never enough; it gets in the way of thinking clearly; and it convinces you to mistake motion for meaning."

Jerry Colonna

inner game of tennis

"Fortunately, most children learn to walk before they can be told by their parents."

W. Timothy Gallwey

The prophet

"Geef van wat je hebt en je gift zal gering zijn. Te geven van wie je bent is de ware gift. Wat zijn bezittingen anders dan zaken die je hebt en houdt uit vrees ze morgen nodig te hebben?"

Lion trackers guide to life

" 'I don't know where we are going but I know exactly how to get there' might be the motto of the great tracker."

Boyd Varty

noonday demon

"Depression is not usually going over the edge itself, but drawing close to the edge, getting to that moment of fear when you have gone so far, when dizziness has deprived you so entirely of your capacity for balance."

Andrew Solomon

managing transtions

"Every organizational system has its own natural “immune system” whose task it is to resist unfamiliar, and so unrecognizable, signals. That is not necessarily bad."

William Bridges

to sell is human

"The ability to move others to exchange what they have for what we have is crucial to our survival and our happiness."

words that touch

" There is an obvious purpose to linguistic minimalism."

Nick Pole

feel to heal

"Sometimes people divert their attention from their own authentic experiences and focus on the divine. A spiritual journey can be a great distraction that R.A. Masters calls 'Avoidance in holy drag'".

Giten Tonkov

clean language

"Everyday langauge is bursting with metaphor - it has been suggested that people roughly use six metaphors a minute in normal conversation.."

Wendy Sullivan

Peter crone

"What happened happened, and it couldn't have happened any other way... because it didn't."


"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."

Terry Pratchett

body says no

"Shame is the deepest of the “negative emotions,” a feeling we will do almost anything to avoid. Unfortunately, our abiding fear of shame impairs our ability to see reality."

Gabor Maté

Claire Hughues Johnson

"A working-with-me document is, basically, trying to write your own user manual. ... , if you are going to be managing people, do your best to write a user manual to working with you."

Claire Hughes Johnson

Freedom osho

"The freedom to do anything you want is not freedom either, because wanting, desiring to “do” something, arises out of the mind— and mind is your bondage."

the nail

Short video by Jason Headley

It's not about the nail

understanding comics

"Our identities belong permanently to to conceptual world. They can't be seen, heard, smelled, touched or tasted. They're merely ideas. and everything else - at the start - belongs to the sensual world, outside of us."

Scott McCloud

the newsroom

"Reclaiming journalism as an honorable profession. Civility, respect, and a return to what’s important; the death of bitchiness; the death of gossip and voyeurism; speaking truth to stupid. No demographic sweet spot."

The Newsroom

reid mihalko

"If we're not measuring the success of relationships by duration... now what?"

the self behind the symptom

"Earnestly listening to the Gatekeeper's concern keeps the work organic, safe and respectful. It enlists the Gatekeeper as a trustworthy partner in the adventure of consciousness."

Judith Hendin

fascia guide

Fascia is alive and responds to stimuli and adapts to stresses

The fascia guide


"Zet twee vrouwen samen en ze maken rusie. Het karakter met twee vrouwen betekent ruzie. De betekenis heeft zijn wortels in de Chinese geschiedenis."


Gil Hedley

"Your heart speaks to your brain via the Vagus Nervus."

radical acceptan ce

"Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain."

Tara Brach

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